Art Therapy

What is art therapy?

Art therapy combines psychotherapy with the making process, which includes interacting with material and visual communication between the client and the therapist. Through expressing emotion and complex thought in line, shape and colour clients who work with art therapists can work to resolve their unspoken challenges. Art therapy can be done with children, adolescents, adults and elderlies, in many settings, and with any conditions; whether it is in seniors living in a community together, people who have barriers in their verbal communication, children who have challenges in their emotional state, and people with spectrum based disorders such as mood disorders, Autism, or ADD/ADHD.  Art therapy is also excellent for approaching subjects like loss, grief or working through a chronic illness. The therapist uses art to facilitate the therapeutic process alongside traditional methods of talk therapy and has the advantage of discovery and connections being made while working with physical materials that provide insight and feedback in the interaction surrounding creation. Art therapists must have hundreds of hours of supervised training to become certified and have a background in both psychology and art. To obtain the title of art therapist, requires a Master’s level education and ensures that they are ethical in their practice and are up to date with current research on effective methods of art therapy that are studied and have beneficial results.

Contact us today if you want more information about this service at Therapedia Centre.